A Maryland woman with constant pulsatile tinnitus was seen by three doctors in a local hospital. She said that interminable pulsing made it difficult to focus, work, or sleep. A primary care doctor referred her to a neurologist after ordering MRIs of the skull with and without contrast. The neurologist recommended a psychiatrist visit to ease the woman’s stress and anxiety about the condition.
The psychiatrist ordered medicines to help the patient relax. After the visit, the patient received more prescriptions to treat the unknown constant pulsatile tinnitus. Less than six months later, the woman lost her job. The doctors recommended a lower-stress occupation. Two years went by, and the patient fell down a flight of stairs at a local library. She was rushed to a nearby hospital. Doctors found a neuroendocrine tumor in the left jugular vein. The original neuroendocrine cancer spread to her lungs. She was now deaf, sick, and unemployed.
Comparing the older MRIs to the latest scans, doctors found the tumor in the MRI with contrast. The radiologist responsible for reading the images provided incorrect information to the primary care, neurologist, and psychiatrist. An experienced medical malpractice law firm knows how to get just compensation for injuries, failure to diagnose cancer, lost wages, and pain and suffering for clients like this one. The Abelson Law Firm seeks justice for clients.
When you visit a physician or hospital because of an injury, illness, or another condition, your well-being is in the provider’s hands. No one anticipates becoming a medical malpractice victim, but cases like this one happen all the time. If you or someone you have has suffered a serious injury or death because of a doctor or hospital’s negligence, contact The Abelson Lawat (202) 331-0600. Let us help you.
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